About Vienna
With roots reaching across the ocean to sunlit vineyards and abandoned estates, the story of Vienna is one of class, experience and the seduction of power.
As aristocracy underwent an upheaval at the turn of the 19th century, many withdrew from the public eye for a simpler life - far from the politics and excess of Europe’s high society. Though they travelled far, nobility and status are never truly left behind.

"... Class, Experience and the Seduction of Power"
Records of this tectonic movement of power have all but disappeared, save for a few heirlooms of a treasured past. Whilst properties and acres have long since been succeeded, family lineages remain strong. And with that, enduring values and an uncompromising way of life.
Vienna collections reflect these values; powerful, seductive and capable of thriving through changing circumstance. Experience is an unyielding opportunist - blink and you’ll miss it.