Why Does Gold Jewellery Turn Black?

Gold is a tarnish-resistant metal. This means it doesn't react with other elements and discolour or lose its shine.

So why does it sometimes turn black?

Here are the most likely culprits:

1. Impurity - solid gold jewellery is not made of 100% gold. According to the carat, it will always contain some level of impurity (percentage of other metals). If not properly cleaned and taken care of, these other metals can tarnish - giving the appearance of tarnished gold. 

2. Plating - if gold jewellery is not solid gold, the gold plating can wear off over time. Exposing the other metal alloy underneath that is susceptible to tarnish.

3. Harsh ChemicalsHarsh cleaning agents such as bleach and chlorine have the potential to harm your gold jewellery, leading to tarnishing over time. Everyday substances like soapy water, dishwashing liquids, laundry detergent, face-wash, shower gel, and similar items can also contribute to the fading of colour in gold jewellery.

4. Sweat - Believe it or not, the salt in your sweat can react with the other metal alloys present in your solid gold jewellery. This reaction can lead to discolouring and tarnishing.

These are just a few of the reasons your solid gold jewellery can turn black and appear to tarnish. In order to prevent this, clean your pieces regularly and avoid wearing them when sweating and cleaning.

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