Is Custom Jewellery Expensive?

Designing your own piece of custom jewellery is tempting. 

You know it will be exactly what you want and you can work with a jeweller to make sure every detail is perfect.

The only thing that concerns most people is the dreaded "P" word... PRICE.

"Surely custom jewellery is extremely expensive?" I hear you ask.

Well let's break down the costs and find out where the price tag on custom jewellery comes from...

1. Craftsmanship: Each jewellery piece involves skilled artisans who painstakingly design and create, investing hours of meticulous work. Custom pieces take even longer - making sure every detail is perfect.

2. Quality Materials: Fine jewellery relies on high-quality materials, like precious metals and gemstones, which come with their own cost due to rarity and purity. Want to add diamonds to your piece? Each of those come with additional costs.

3. Design Expertise: Crafting designs unique to your specifications takes more time than traditional designs - checking to make sure the client is happy along the way. 

4. Precision and Detailing: Intricate detailing and precision in crafting ensure a flawless finish. Custom jewellery will be passed down for generations, so the finish must be immaculate to stand the test of time. 

These factors mean that custom jewellery is among the finest quality work a jeweller performs. As a result, you're right - some jewellers charge through the roof for work like this!

That's why it's important to choose one who is empathetic, honest and sets a clear budget with you, before any work begins. 


PS: If you'd like to enquire about Custom Jewellery with us, check out Vienna Jewellery.

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